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Reflections from hosting seven “Good Talks”

Healing disconnection, loneliness and polarization

Two springs ago, I casually mentioned a half-cooked idea I had for an event series with Shannon Price—something like a book club where no one had to read the books. Without skipping a beat, Shannon said, “Let’s pick a date and put it on the calendar.” And that’s how Good Talk Collective was born.

Good Talk is all about bringing people together for meaningful conversations. We wanted to create a space for deep connection, a place where people could gather, share, and explore big questions about how we show up in the world. What started as an idea to share knowledge quickly became something much bigger: a community-driven space for co-creation, healing, and belonging.

The growing desire for community

One of the clearest lessons I’ve learned from hosting these events is that people are hungry for community. We live in a world where the pace of change is relentless, and many of our traditional spaces for connection—like churches, community events, or extended family gatherings—are no longer filling this need. People are looking for new ways to connect deeply with one another.

At every Good Talk event, I’ve seen this hunger firsthand. People show up because they’re craving not just conversation but real connection. Good Talk has become that “third space” where people can come together, beyond work and home, to engage with each other on a meaningful level.

A 2021 report by Statistics Canada revealed that one in four Canadians over the age of 15 reported feeling lonely. This growing disconnection is a reminder of how vital spaces like Good Talk can be in offering people a chance to feel seen, heard, and understood.

The shift from sharing information to co-creating wisdom

When we first started Good Talk, Shannon and I thought it would be a space to share the knowledge we had gathered from reading about topics like joy, creativity, leadership, or courage. We’d heard from so many people in our lives who had big questions about these topics but didn’t have the time to read or dive into deep research. We thought we could create a space where we’d “download” that knowledge for others to consume.

But something surprising happened at our very first event. We asked people a simple question: “How do you define joy?” As we went around the room, it quickly became clear that the wisdom was already there. People didn’t need us to give them answers. Instead, they were co-creating the conversation, contributing their own insights, experiences and profound reflections—many of which echoed what Shannon and I had learned from our research.

The real power of Good Talk wasn’t in what we brought to the table—it was in what emerged from the group.

This was a turning point for us. We realized that Good Talk wasn’t about us sharing information; it was about creating space for everyone to share, connect, and learn together.

The real magic happens when we stop trying to provide all the answers and instead create space for everyone’s voices to be heard. Photo by Luminarie Creative

Why listening with openness matters

One of the most valuable lessons from these events is how much we can learn when we show up with curiosity and openness. At Good Talk, we create space for people to share their stories and listen without judgment. In a world where so many of our conversations can feel polarized, creating room for empathy, curiosity, and openness is incredibly powerful.

What we’ve seen is that when people feel heard and understood, it creates space for healing. By listening to one another’s stories, we start to break down the barriers that divide us. That’s where the magic of connection happens—when we’re willing to hear and hold space for the complexities of each other’s experiences.

By fostering these kinds of conversations, we make room for healing from the disconnection and loneliness that so many of us experience. It’s not just about talking—it’s about listening, learning, and growing together.

When we listen deeply—without judgment or interruption—we create a powerful sense of validation. That’s where true connection begins. Photo by Luminarie Creative

The importance of belonging

Perhaps the most profound lesson from hosting these events is how deeply people need to feel a sense of belonging. It’s not a luxury—it’s a fundamental human need. At Good Talk, we work hard to create an inclusive space where everyone can show up as their full selves and feel valued.

Belonging has a profound impact on our well-being. There’s lots of research (I’ve included some references at the end of this post if you’d like to read more) that highlights how essential belonging is for our ability to be resilient, creative and healthy. It’s not about fitting in—it’s about being seen for who you truly are and feeling that what you bring to the world matters.

When people feel they belong—that they can show up exactly as they are, no matter how messy or rough around the edges that might be—they are more capable of facing life’s challenges.

We’ve seen this sense of belonging emerge at every Good Talk event. People arrive as strangers but leave feeling connected. New friendships are formed, and old ones are rekindled. It’s about more than the conversations—it’s about creating a space where people know they are welcome, that their voice matters and that their contribution makes the evening that much more special. 

Belonging isn’t a luxury—it’s a fundamental human need. When people feel they belong, they are more resilient, more creative, and better able to face life’s challenges. Photo by Luminarie Creative

A balm for an increasingly disconnected world

Shannon and I wanted to create a space where we could have heart-to-heart conversations about some of the big questions we were grappling with. When we started Good Talk Collective, we had no idea whether anyone else wanted these things. What’s blown us away is how many people keep showing up to these evenings, eager to share their stories and listen to those of others.

These gatherings have become a balm for so many of us in what can feel like an increasingly disconnected and uncertain world. People come to Good Talk for the topics (we’ve talked about joy, curiosity, creativity, courage, change, celebration and presence so far), but they leave with something much more—a sense of community, connection, and belonging. 

It’s been truly humbling to see how deeply these conversations resonate with people. For Shannon and I, hosting these conversations is a real gift, and we are so grateful to everyone that trusts us to create these containers for their hopes, dreams and experiences.

Looking forward

As we continue hosting “Good Talks”, I’m excited to see how this community will grow. The lessons we’ve learned—about the power of curiosity, the need for connection, and the importance of belonging—will continue to guide us. I can’t wait to see how many more people find their place in this conversation.

Whether you’re looking for inspiration, seeking connection, or just want to be seen, Good Talk Collective is for you. I hope you’ll join us at our next event (all about rest) and experience for yourself the magic that happens when we come together with open hearts and minds. After all, we’re all in this together.

Oh, and the snacks are pretty great too 😉

~ Lindsay

Want to dig deeper? Check out some of these resources: