about us

creating spaces for connection & conversation

Tilia is a group of passionate community engagement practitioners who specialize in nurturing connection and facilitating meaningful conversations on complex issues.

We believe in the power of thoughtful, purposeful engagement to bring people together, spark new ideas and transform communities. We help our clients engage in meaningful dialogue with those affected by their decisions—and use our insights to build relationships and achieve their goals.


the strength of the linden tree

Tilia Consulting is guided by the principles of abundance, justice, respect and care. Our name “Tilia” comes from the Latin word for the linden tree, a source of inspiration for various myths and stories. These trees were thought to symbolize love, protection, harmony, and clarity. Planted in town centres, they served as gathering places for important discussions and were considered a safe haven, as some believed they couldn’t be struck by lightning.

Like the protective canopy of the linden tree, we provide clarity to those under our guidance, fostering a space for conversations, ideas, and communities to thrive—regardless of the challenges they face. Our goal is to encourage connection, growth, understanding, and transformation within these spaces, where the roots of strong communities can take firm hold.

our mission is to nurture belonging, inspire connection and spark imagination — one conversation at a time

Change is constant and navigating it well requires us to engage in difficult conversations. While disagreements or discomfort may arise, these moments can also lead to new perspectives, understanding and connections. How we show up in these conversations shapes the outcomes of our programs, policies and projects, which in turn shape our communities.

We partner with organizations that value learning from challenges and navigating complex conversations, all while breaking free from the ordinary. Our clients place community voices at the heart of their journey towards growth, innovation, equity, and systems change.

Sound like you? We’re here to support you in shaping a future where everyone can thrive, feel a sense of belonging and navigate stormy weather.

let’s connect

Over coffee, on a walk, via Zoom, or even through a classic phone call, we’d love to meet you.